Speaker & Band . . .
2024 Mainstage Speaker:
Adam Rentas
Adam Rentas is the Student Ministries Pastor at First Church of God in St. Joseph, Michigan, joining the staff in 2016. Originally desiring to be a Seattle Firefighter, Adam felt a call to ministry in 2002 and entered into ministry as a Youth Pastor in June of 2003. In addition to Michigan, he has served congregations in Northern California and Florida. In late 2018, Adam became the Director of Student Ministries for US & Canada for Church of God Ministries, helping to oversee Student Ministry across North America as well as the International Youth Convention (IYC). Adam is passionate about introducing students to Jesus and empowering the next generation of Christ-centered disciples. Adam and his wife Rachel were married in 2003 and have four amazing children. He enjoys time with his family, hunting and fishing, and playing softball.
Adam Rentas
Adam Rentas is the Student Ministries Pastor at First Church of God in St. Joseph, Michigan, joining the staff in 2016. Originally desiring to be a Seattle Firefighter, Adam felt a call to ministry in 2002 and entered into ministry as a Youth Pastor in June of 2003. In addition to Michigan, he has served congregations in Northern California and Florida. In late 2018, Adam became the Director of Student Ministries for US & Canada for Church of God Ministries, helping to oversee Student Ministry across North America as well as the International Youth Convention (IYC). Adam is passionate about introducing students to Jesus and empowering the next generation of Christ-centered disciples. Adam and his wife Rachel were married in 2003 and have four amazing children. He enjoys time with his family, hunting and fishing, and playing softball.
Our Music for Thirst 2024:
Registration Opening August 15, 2024